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Our Price Match Promise

As part of our commitment to always offer the best prices we can, Frame Steel will match any written quote.

Our Price Match Promise means that if you find an identical product at a lower price, even if it’s on sale, we will match it*.

How does it work?

1. Get a quote
Obtain a written quote from our competitor with all inclusions & pricing listed.
2. Get in touch
Email us the quote or submit the Price Match form linked below.
2. Price matched
If your quote is for an identical product, we will provide you with an updated, price matched quote.

Why buy from us?

At Frame Steel, we aim to provide top tier customer service & products for the lowest prices possible. Celebrating our 10th year in business, we know our products & we know our customers.

What does our price match promise apply to?

Our guarantee applies to all products that:

- Are identical
- Offer the same inclusions
- Have equal quality & construction of our products

What Exclusions Apply?

- Cashback & coupon offers
- Trade quotes
- Stock liquidations
- Commercial quantities
- Marketplace products
- Products located outside of Australia

*Frame Steel reserves the right to deny any quote price match that is below our raw cost.